Nicholl (the blue-haired half fairy and resident magic tutor/best friend to Princess Charming) from Lads In Distress is confirmed to have a route in the upcoming full version of the game and thus will presumably qualify for this trope.She finds it very difficult to admit to him, but does eventually. Kanon: Childhood love interests are the theme of the harem (with the notable exception of Shiori, which is why it's recommended players finish Shiori's route first, since you don't learn about any childhood friends in her route).Honoo no Haramase Oppai Shintai Sokutei ~ Osananajimi Joshikousei Karada Sokutei de Zenin Nakadashi Paradise! (please excuse the Intentionally Awkward Long Title) allows you to get a Harem Ending with fourteen different Childhood Friends!.Ryouta and Hiyoko in Hatoful Boyfriend are, for all intents and purposes, this because even though the female protagonist can romance other pigeons, the game's longest route has him choose to stay with her for as long as it takes to cure him of his disease and transplant Hiyoko's brain and spirit into a body.Although three of the five love interests/routes feature a childhood friend, Minakami is the one mostly fits the stereotype and the one that the main character canonically loves in the four routes that happen in the same timeline, as well the one with the longest route in the game and the one that even gets confessed by the main character in routes that are not his. Hashihime of the Old Book Town is an interesting case.is Hiro's childhood friend who has a crush on him.

Kei from ef - a fairy tale of the two.The Player Character returns to her old neighborhood after ten years and reconnects with the boys she used to be friends with as a little girl, causing old crushes to revive into full-blown romance. Dreamy Days in West Tokyo revolves almost entirely around love between childhood friends.